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Tyron Mott
May 8, 2020
About the Song After 7 years in the making, Tyron Mott’s instrumental song, Global Movement (Instrumental), is here! Why now? Well, the global coronavirus pandemic has revealed what this song was all along and why it needs to be heard. What began as a musical yearning to travel to far away lands has transformed to carry deeper meaning. The theme of the song is “passing the torch. Continue reading

Tyron Mott
March 30, 2019
Welcome Venturers! This is a continuation of our last post discussing the importance of play. If you haven’t already, check out part one: Try Unscripted Play Everyday. In this part 2, we’ll dive into a few examples of how my play in Puerto Rico and Miami opened the door to some valuable insights and connections. Puerto Rico Dimelomio I actually met my first group of Puerto Rico buddies in San Juan through AirBnB Experiences shortly after I arrived (I highly recommend AirBnB Experiences for authentic local interactions and connections while traveling, by the way). Continue reading

Tyron Mott
March 15, 2019
Welcome, Venturers! I want to start out by thanking everyone who’s given me feedback of any form so far. I’ve made some pretty big branding redesigns to the site, added some game mechanics for you all to interact with, incorporated a new logo and refreshed branding here and across social media, and have logged a ton of to-dos to improve even more based on your continuous feedback. Continue reading

Tyron Mott
February 23, 2019
Sunnyvale, CA, US
Creating Building February Black History Month Destruction ConstructionHey there - Welcome to VentureTy! Thanks for stopping by and being a part of my first blog post ever 🙌🏾! If you’re fluent in fun and are looking to jog your mind, improve yourself, deepen your connections, and find some inspiration, you’ve come to the right place. Having basic proficiency in emoji and dry humor (attempted or otherwise) is a plus. Continue reading